Tortoises for sale

FAQ "...Your comments on the homepage gave the impression that you only sell animals to wealthy prospective buyers who have luxury facilities for tortoises. For fear of criticism, we are afraid that with our simpler husbandry situation, we will not be able to purchase a Radiated Tortoise from you. Do species-appropriate facilities for Radiated Tortoises always have to be connected with a high financial expenditure?"

It is neither our intention nor in our interest to criticize or badmouth other husbandry situations. From our many years of work and experience with the keeping and breeding of Astrochelys radiata, we only point out to interested parties before the acquisition of absolutely necessary basic equipment and possible optimization potential to keep ray turtles healthy in the long term.

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FAQ "...Do you also have adults, single females, and/or High Yellow animals for sale?"

In order to check the growth and sex distribution, we always randomly keep single, selected juveniles for breeding and observation in our breeding station. Unfortunately, due to space constraints, we cannot keep all these special holdback animals, so we also release sexed or adult females and rare High Yellow specimens from time to time. It


FAQ "...I am a big tortoise fan and have been keeping the following species for years: Geochelone carbonaria, Geochelone sulcata, Geochelone elegans, Geochelone paradalis, Indotestud elongata, Chersina angulata, Testudo hermanni boettgeri and Testudo marginata.... I really want to get some Radiated Tortoises now. Do they have any for sale?"

The enumeration of kept tortoise species is for us primarily no proof of a species-appropriate husbandry situation. On the contrary, often behind a large menagerie of turtles always narrow space conditions, unhygienic enclosures and interspecies associations can be suspected. A turtle husbandry is impressive, if not so much the quantity of the kept animals, but rather the quality of the husbandry situation for the turtles.

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FAQ "...I do not feel obligated as a paying customer to document my husbandry situation to you. You must already believe me that I am an experienced and long-time successful tortoise keeper. Don't you find disclosing and documenting private husbandry conditions a bit presumptuous and impertinent?"

Please respect the need to hand over our lovingly, cherished and cared for radiated tortoise children back into responsible and serious hands! For someone who confidently introduces himself to us with years of keeping and breeding experience of tortoises, it should usually be no problem to show a few impressions from his keeping. In embarrassing foreboding, try


FAQ "...Why are Radiated Tortoises from private breedings so expensive?"

The keeping and breeding of Astrochelys radiata in our latitudes is connected with a high, financial expenditure. The annual costs for electricity, technical equipment, high-quality greenhouses and year-round, species-appropriate food are considerable. Breeding often succeeds only in irregular intervals and the rearing needs a lot of time, patience and expertise. The regular documentation of the offspring

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